Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Natural Beauty

Just a quick post to show some pics of beautiful Shoal Bay which has become a favourite place of ours. We spent three nights there and enjoyed some beautiful weather.

Sunset at Shoal Bay Beach
It was so hot on Saturday, 35 degrees, that we were moved to venture into the water. It was freezing! Absolutely freezing! It was so hot on the beach and so cold in the water, there was no inbetween. However, we did it twice! Invigorating, that's the word I was looking for!

We visited Box Beach yesterday, which is not far away from the town beach on the ocean. Its only small but completely unspoiled and beautiful.

We also visited Newcastle for lunch on Sunday taking the short ferry trip from Stockton over to Newcastle. It only takes a couple of minutes across the harbour. When we returned to Stockton this huge ship came through the heads. It really was enormous. These sized ships come and go all the time from Newcastle.
Hope you had a great weekend too!


  1. I used to live in shoal bay. What a magic place and I'd often hang,out at box beach too! Quite secluded and beautiful m

  2. My Mum lives at Shoal Bay. It is a lovely place we have been going there for 38 years unfortunately now when I go it's not a holiday its work... The ocean beaches are nice and quiet my Dad loved Box beach to swim in. Lovely part of the world.

  3. ooooo, pretty pictures! And that ship is huge, a true ship, not a boat.
