Thursday, 23 October 2014

Leadlight love!

My leadlight window is finished! I am very happy with it and excited about getting it fitted into the new door at Mt Victoria. It was a lot of fun and I have learned a lot along the way. Many thanks to my wonderful teacher Petra who is a whizz with leadlight.

Last week we had a heavy snowfall at Mt Victoria. Unfortunately, we were not there to see it (again!!!!) but we can certainly see the results. The trees could not cope with the weight of the snow and many of them have broken and/or drooping branches.

Many more snapped off altogether and we were lucky that nothing was damaged.

Even the caravan escaped unscathed.
The plum tree is split into three. Looks like its been hit by lightning!

Maybe next Spring we might see the snow! Its better than bushfires!

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